Friday, March 11, 2011

So Mesobolin™ contains extremely
high doses of two anabolic
agents that are both prescription
and anabolic agents in Russia that
have been shown in documented
clinical studies by real doctors to
stimulate protein synthesis even
better than Dianabol!
However, instead of impeding
your natural testosterone output,
Mesobolin™ can actually improve
it by stimulating testosterone production
through increased endocrine
3 Paths To
Massive Muscle!
Anabolically, both 5-methoxyisoflavone
and 7-ipriflavone work
through three pathways. One,
they act as “nutrient partitioning”
agents which mean that the
nutrients you eat, i.e. Protein and
carbs are “shuttled” toward the development
of muscle, as opposed
to fat! So you get much bigger and
leaner on this stuff!
The second way these compounds
are “anabolic” is that they both
block estrogen which frees
up available testosterone
(which will be further
enhanced by the two
Turkesterone agents)
so you’ll get hard-asan-
anvil! Seriously bro,
Mesobolin™ can shred
you because all four of
its “prescription only in
Europe” compounds are
lipotropic. This fat-burning effect
is effectuated through so many
pathways that I could write a 36
page doctorial thesis on just its
fat-burning effects!
Oh, I almost forgot, the third
anabolic component of 5-methoxy-
isoflavone and 7-ipriflavone
is that it has the capacity to retain
calcium in the muscle cell. Now,
it doesn’t take a Harvard graduate
to figure out that intense weighttraining
causes calcium loss. And,
since calcium is a vital, vital mineral
involved in protein synthesis,
the more of it that is available, the
Remember, steroids do far more
“anabolically” speaking than
just increase protein synthesis
through increased mRNA activity!
They also cause anabolism
through nutrient partitioning
(which you just read about),
increased red blood cell production,
anti-catabolism, and
increased mineral content, i.e.
calcium phosphorous, etc.
Anyway, in closing, this is what
Dr. Syrov’s great contribution was
to Mesobolin™... he revealed to
Duchaine the most potent of the
many ecdysterone “strains”, the
Turkesterone which actually has a
greater impact on protein anabolism
than prescription anabolic
steroids... but with no hormonal
side-effects that cause bitch-tits,
water retention and most horrid of
all... testicular dysfunction.
I know you will be thanking the
collective geniuses who all had
a hand in the formation of this
anabolic agent that will cause you
to never take so called “real stuff”
ever again, because Mesobolin™
is the truly the REAL STUFF!!!
And it is the greatest steroid story
never told until now!*
The Amazing New Testosterone
Technology From Germany…
Home Of The World’s Smartest Steroid Biochemists
Dear Friend and Fellow Iron Warrior!
As you know, I have a favorite saying
and that is, “Test Is Best” for building
muscle! After all, testosterone is
the foundation of every steroid ever
invented (except two) and the last
time I checked… testosterone related
steroids are used by every bodybuilder
who is “anybody” at a National
or World-Class level. Sure they take
growth hormone and insulin, but the
real culprit for so much of the pros’
massive size is lots of good old fashioned
However, there is a “caveat” to lots
of synthetic test, lots of side-effects
most notably, the interruption of your
own testosterone production which
can be permanently shut down due to
prolonged androgen cycles!
“founded” on his premise of increasing
test by increasing ACTH through
Adrenal manipulation and would
he “test it” against the I.V. to see if
corTESTEN™ could compete with an
I.V. (if you’ve never had something
I.V.ed, it’s amazing because everything
goes directly into the bloodstream
without any gastric degradation).
The results were as
follows, but they did
not surprise me a bit...
corTESTEN™ came very
close statistically by increasing
basal free testosterone
levels (which is
usable testosterone and
this makes a difference)
on average with 12 test
subjects by 289%, over
2.5 times, while 10cc of
Regeneresen’s Adrenal
cells (which is a very
high dose) elevated usable
test by... (are you
sitting down?) 411%! Yep, 4 times
more usable freaking test! Holy
Christ, can you imagine walking into
the gym after getting your I.V... you’d
rip people’s heads off!
Now, of course these results are not
“clinical” nor can they be cited as
factual data on corTESTEN™ but
nevertheless, “Dr. Santiago” is a stand
up guy and I trust his methods.
But listen, an increase of over 2.5
times in usable test is still HUGE!
And besides, since you can use it
year round, without a prescription
or lengthly travels... you will pack
on lots of muscle with it! In fact,
many users claim corTESTEN™ has
the anabolic effects of about 200mg
of synthetic test a week (this seems
about right because most guys spit out
about 70mg a week!).
Now factor in that
you never have to
“off cycle”, and then
throw in some TridenosenH
™ (to elevate
testosterone receptors)
and you can
build all the muscle
you’ll ever want
without one single
steroid side-effect...
except for getting as big as a freaking
And believe me again friend, this is a
much better way than taking a bunch
of synthetics.
So let’s recap. corTESTEN™ is designed
to elevate testosterone three
ways; One, by increasing androgens
through increased ACTH production,
Two, by increasing LH and then making
all this extra test more usable by
blocking SHBG.
So quick, what are you waiting for,
your boss to transfer you to San
Diego to visit “Dr. Santiago”? Not
likely... besides corTESTEN™ works
almost as good... and it’s a heck of a
lot cheaper because “Dr. Santiago”
charges $75 American per cc and
most guys are getting 10cc a week...
750 BUCKS?!!! Ouch!
But hey, what’s 40 grand a year to
a guy who makes 20 million in the
same period.. and who wants to get
into the Hall of Fame, keep his Gold
Medal, or his Endorsement contract!
Just a drop in the bucket, and that’s
about what corTESTEN™ will cost
you in comparison!*
It’s The Worlds Best And Most Potent Growth Hormone And You Can
Get It Without A Doctor’s Prescription…
Now Get Staggering New “Growth” “Muscularity”
And Razor Sharp Definition Practically Overnight!
Dear Friend and Fellow Iron Warrior:
The legendary steroid guru Paul
Borressen once told me, a physique
without Growth Hormone,
is like a Rolls Royce without
chrome hubcaps! In other words,
it’s the “finisher” the “final touch”
to complete physique refinement
because you get super shredded
and “tight”, especially your abs
and pecs area! And, if you’re
taking any testosterone or other
anabolic agent, you’ll explode
with size as well! But as previously
mentioned, you’ll get really
“shredded”, with paper thin skin,
along with all the size! So the
result is a very pumped-up, supershredded
body that’s tapered like a
“velvet V”.


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