Thursday, March 10, 2011

Now, some Mesobolin™ did make
it to market before he got busted,
but “auditions” for this project
fell by the wayside after Dan’s
second bust in 1990, not to mention
his failing health. However,
as brilliant as Dan was, he had an
equally brilliant co-conspirator in
this invention, none other than the
cutting-edge Dr. Syrov.
Anyway, this is how I learned
about Mesobolin™ from the brilliant
Dr. Syrov. Now, why Dr.
Syrov has taken so long to tell
anybody about this is anybody’s
guess, but the best guess would
probably be… Soviet people are
just not as financially driven as
So basically, this idea just “sits on
the shelves”…for years on end!
In fact, the original research on
Mesobolin™ goes all the way back
to the 1940’s.
Why Mesobolin Is
So Anabolic!
Mesobolin is actually the combination
of two Russian and two
Hungarian “prescription only”
anabolics agents… So this stuff
is the real deal and this is no BS,
just listen to this quote from a real
Soviet scientific study done by
one of Dr. Syrov’s “Homeboys”,
back in 1976...
“On back-to-back studies
done on animals, 5 betacholest-
6-on-7-ene derivatives
were found to be actually
superior To synthetic
steroids like Dianabol for
increasing muscle cell
Now let’s get more specific about
5-beta and where it comes from…
This anabolic agent is a chemical
that is derived from a Siberian
plant called Rhaponticum, and
within that plant there is a compound
called Turkesterone, which
contains the 5-beta.
Russia’s “Secret Agent”
Now you may have never heard
of Turkesterone, but it is well
known to Soviet Coaches and
Athletes because the “impetus”
for its research and development
were positive drug test incurred by
Soviet athletes at World Championships
held outside of Russia!
(Hey, I wonder why no Soviet
weightlifter tested positive in
any meet held in Russia… that’s
Anyway, Turkesterone is the
result of this extensive research
and when I say research I mean
research. In fact, research on
this exciting “new to America”
anabolic agent goes back over 60
years and “in a nutshell”
here’s why it’s so anabolic.
More Muscle
Building Power
Than D-Bol
As you’ve read in my
column many times, there is a
process called DNA-RNA Transcription.
And what this means is,
a “communication is made” inside
the nucleus of the cell to engage
the protein synthesis process more
rapidly which ultimately causes
more visible “see-able” muscle!
And this is how anabolic steroids
work! However, Turkesterone
does engage this process but it
does it even more efficiently than
even powerful steroids like Dianabol
by directly stimulating the
Now, Deca, D-Bol and Test also
stimulate the Ribosome but they
do it by going through several
prior steps, whereas Turkesterone
goes right to the Ribosome
and gets to work. In other words,
Turkesterone is a no “foreplay”
anabolic… it gets down to business
right away engaging the
ultimate muscle building process
even faster!
Ok, that’s anabolic agent number
one in Mesobolin™, Turkesterone.
Now on to number two, called
Ajuga Turkestanica. Hey, that’s
weird; one of its names is Turkestanica
which is almost identical
to Turkesterone, which you just
read about… and it is! And, quite
obviously there is a big reason for
this and that is… Turkesterone is
by far the most potent form of a
“general classification” of what
are called ecdysterones, which are
found most abundantly
in plants, and it is this
“information” (which
plants contain by far
the most potent ecdysterones,
that Syrov shared with

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