Wednesday, March 9, 2011

natural anabolic agents you can
get without a prescription.
For example, there’s a new, just
released compound called Mesobolin
that infamous steroid guru
Dan Duchaine had a hand in creating!
He called it a natural Deca,
and man is it ever!
And there’s also anew testosterone
compound called corTESTEN
by Pharma-Stuttgart that rivals
moderate doeses of synthetic test,
but you can also get it without a
And don’t forget Growth Hormone.
A couple of “units”, three
times a week from your Doctor
will work wonders, especially
if you stack it with test! But, if
this is too much trouble and too
expensive (some people spend
$1000 - $1,500 a month) you can
try DermaTropin hGH, the new,
just released GH compound that
has been clinically proven to elevate
GH levels by up to 750%!
And everyone is raging about
TridenosenH, the amazing Australian
Anabolic that acts as an anabolic
synergist with any supplement
taken, including creatine,
protein and even real anabolic
In fact, these aforementioned
compounds are so potent… they
are accelerating muscle growth
2-3 times faster than normal.
So, continue reading more about
why these anabolic agents are so
potent for facilitating “muscle
growth” well beyond your normal
genetic limits. These compounds
are on the “sharpest” of cutting
edges and every one is backed by
legitimate, bona-fide scientific
Dear Friend and Fellow
Iron Warrior!
You may be too young to remember
the cop show Dragnet, but
in the opening to the show, the
voice on TV said, “The story you
are about to hear is true but some
of the names have been changed
to protect the innocent.” And the
same is true with this story! It is
true, very true! Unlike the show
- the names in this case have not
been changed to protect the innocent.
They will all be revealed
because they are all guilty!
“Guilty of what?” you may be
Guilty of making the most potent
anabolic compound ever made,
and then some! Keep reading on
and you will truly read the greatest
steroid story never told until
Dan Duchaine And The
Birth Of Mesobolin™...
May 1986, the U.S. Attorney’s
Office in San Diego announces a
huge steroid indictment and one
of the main characters in this huge
media story was none other than
the infamous steroid Guru Dan
Duchaine. You’ve got to love this
guy! He went to prison
twice for selling “shit” and
even wrote a book on how
to make GHB at home!
(And let me tell you,
this really pissed off the
government to no freaking
end!!!) He was a true rebel
“with a steroid cause” and
may god bless his revo-
Dan Duchaine
lutionary soul. But here is something
only a handful of people in
the world would know and that
is… this legendary steroid bust set
into motion the “suppression” of
an anabolic agent called Mesobolin
™ that Duchaine was in the
process of bringing to market.

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